Buckin' Runtz an Indica Cannabis strain grown by Central Harvest

Buckin’ Runtz


Strain Info

Harvested: 04.09.2024 Tested: 05.20.2024 Packaged: 06.06.2024

Total Active Cannabinoids: 29.11%

THCa: 27.08 Total THC: 24.31 THCVa: 0.98 ∆9-THC: 0.56 CBCa: 0.24 CBGa: 0.14 CBG: 0.13

Total Terpenes: 1.98%

Myrcene: 0.59 Linalool: 0.48 Limonene: 0.45

Buckin’ Runtz offers delightful flavors of pineapple and spice, complemented by cookie and diesel aromas. Cannabis Patients can anticipate a calm mental state without significant sedation. This strain is highly regarded for its effectiveness in managing symptoms such as anxiety, chronic pain, depression, insomnia, nausea, and stress. Discover how Buckin’ Runtz can provide relief and relaxation while maintaining clarity of mind.

Locally grown in Ayer, Massachusetts.

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