Matterhorn is a Sativa Cannabis Strain grown by Central Harvest



Strain Info

Harvested: 02.19.2024 Tested: 03.29.2023 Packaged: 04.10.2024

Total Active Cannabinoids: 31.8%

THCa: 29.6 CBGa: 1.34 CBG: 0.52 ∆9-THC: 0.39

Total Terpenes: 2.03%

Myrcene: 0.66 Caryophyllene: 0.42 Limonene: 0.4

Genetics: French Cookies X Birthday Cake X Strawbanana Cream

Matterhorn is 60% Sativa / 40% Indica alternate phenotype of our popular Mont Blanc strain. Matterhorn is said by Patients, to have a deep body and mental high. A burst of energy is to be expected, while any pains you might be experiencing will slowly melt away.

Average Flowering Time: 9 Weeks

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