Discover the benefits of Central Ave Compassionate Care’s Loyalty Program in Ayer, MA, where patients earn 20 points per day you visit. Use your points on your next visit or save them for bigger rewards—points never expire! Learn more about how to maximize your rewards by visiting our website’s “Loyalty Program” section under “For Patients.”
Don’t miss out on Double Point Tuesdays to boost your points even faster. Sign up for our Loyalty Program online or in-store with the help of our knowledgeable team.
Full Transcript
Hi, I’m Amanda over at Central Ave and I’m here to talk to you about the Loyalty program we offer our patients.
Each patient receives 20 points each purchase, each day. You can use these points for your next visit or accrue them for future rewards.
To learn more about the value of your points, please visit our website under the “For Patients” tab and scroll down to “Loyalty Program.”
There, you will see how many points you will need for each reward. Points do not expire and can be accrued beyond the highest value.
To earn your points faster, you can come visit us on Tuesdays where we have Double Point Tuesdays.
If you would like to sign up for our Loyalty Program, you can do so through our website or in-store with one of our knowledgeable dispensing agents.